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PVD Tree Plan

The PVD Tree Plan presents a comprehensive strategy to achieve tree equity and foster transformative change in public health and quality of life within our communities. We want to increase tree canopy in tree equity focus areas by 50% over the next 25 years, while maintaining existing canopy levels across the city. Meeting the target requires that 30,3777 trees are planted and maintained. Every year these trees would support 220.9 jobs, remove 38,228 pounds of pollution from the air we breathe, prevent 10.4 million gallons of polluted stormwater runoff from entering our waterway, and provide $437,336 in combined environmental benefits. This is a $2.5 million project per year over a decade with sustained investment in city-wide capacity-building and workforce training. This plan underscores the importance of fostering community leadership, promoting equity in tree distribution, and developing sustainable funding mechanisms to support the long-term health and vitality of Providence’s urban forest. 

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